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Magic Space - Horoscope Reports - available for business promotions
Introducing state of the art Horoscope Reports for use as competition prizes, subscription offers and fund raising through your publication,/radio station, club, society or centre.
Horoscope Reports include:
EDUCATIONAL SCOPE- Educational Text - Edited Eric Biss
MAGIC SPACE HOROSCOPE -Profile with astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
MAGIC SPACE SCOPE -Profile with no astrological references - written Tanya Obreza/Eric Biss
For most individuals the horoscope interpretation/chart represents their first contact with proper astrology, and the impression is generally a lasting one.
A Magic Space Horoscope is an ideal way for an individual to begin a rewarding lifetime adventure with astrology.
Well crafted, accurate reports with a page layout that can be individually designed.
Hgh quality documents.
Short Report approx. 2-3 pages
1-50 reports, £3 50 each
51-250 reports, £3 00 each
251-1,000, £2 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £2 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £1 50 each
10,000+ reports, £1 00 each
Medium Report + Chart + introduction approx 3-6 pages
1-50 reports, £4 50 each
51-250 reports, £4 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £3 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £3 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £2 50 each
10,000+ reports £2 00 each
Full Report + Chart + introduction approx 12-15 pages
1-50 reports, £7 50 each
51-250 reports, £7 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £6 50 each
1,001-2,500 reports, £6 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £5 50 each
10,000+ reports £5 00 each
1-50 charts, £3 50 each
51 - 250 charts, £3 00 each
251-1,000 charts,, £2 50 each
1,001- 2,500 charts, £2 00 each
2,501-5,000 charts, £1 50 each
10,000+ charts, £1 00 each
PERSONNEL REPORT - outlines a persons abilities, strengths and weaknesses
1-10 reports, £15 00
11-25 reports, £12 50 each
26-50 reports, £10 00 each
51-250 reports, £9 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £8 00 each
1,001-2,500 reports, £7 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £6 50 each
10,000+ £6 00 reports each
Forecast reports - Transits - forecast for any period
FUTURE FORECAST - with astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
FORECAST SCOPE - without astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
Everybody is interested in their future - it’s human nature. Future Forecast and Forecast Scope is like a window to the future. An interpretation yields a forecast highlighting the unique potentials for each individual - based upon the influences of the transiting planets on his or her natal chart. Future Forecast produces carefully crafted interpretations. Original texts by Tanya Obreza columnist for Company Magazine.
1 month forecast approx 3-6 pages
1-50 reports, £4 50 each
51 - 250 reports, £4 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £3 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £3 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £2 50 each
10,000+ reports £2 00 each
1 YEAR FORECAST 12-15 pages
1-50 reports, £7 50, each
51 - 250 reports, £7 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £6 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £6 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £5 50 each
10,000+ reports £5 00 each
SEX FANTASY - Short report
Brief and easy to read report is fun and entertaining for individuals as well as couples.
Written by Eric Biss.
Short Report approx 2-3 pages
1-50 reports, £3 50 each
51 - 250 reports, £3 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £2 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £2 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £1 50 each
10,000+ reports £1 00 each
Contact Magic Space Promotions for further information on 0276 22000
RELATIONSHIP REPORT - for any two people
RELATIONSHIP SCOPE - Composite - How two people get on - written by John Townley/edited Eric Biss with no astrological references
USA RELATIONSHIP - Synastry - How one person affects the other - written by Anita Bartholomew with astrological references.
Are you, or perhaps someone you know, involved in a long term relationship? Friendship? Business partnership, or partnership of some kind. Relationship Scope will help take off the blinkers!
Knowing how you will get on with others on a day to day basis is the key to successful togetherness. This reports highlights the strengths and weaknesses of any personal interaction, allowing you to see clearly both the possibilities and the pitfalls. Original texts by John Townley author of Planets In love, and New York astrologer Anita Bartholomew.
Short Report
1-50 reports, £4 50 each
51 - 250 reports, £4 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £3 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £3 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £2 50 each
10,000+ reports, £2 00 each
Full Report
1-50 reports, £7 50 each
51 - 250 reports, £7 00 each
251-1,000 reports, £6 50 each
1,001- 2,500 reports, £6 00 each
2,501-5,000 reports, £5 50 each
10,000+ reports £5 00 each
NOW click OPEN button and select the CHOICE OF TEXT option to review or print samples of text.
Sample Reports texts - Copyright 1994 Magic Space Promotions